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Reiki Training



Theresa Amaral, an Usui/ Holy Fire III Reiki Master, Teacher and Owner of Journey into the Soul Wellness Center, received her training from Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Master, Myra Partyka, and has been practicing Reiki in private sessions since 2015. She has been teaching Reiki since October of 2018. 

Theresa is passionate about Reiki, the mind-body connection, Mindfulness and the Law of Attraction empowering her clients and students to greater health, peace and clarity.

Her Reiki sessions are gentle, yet powerful, activating the client's natural ability to heal.

Her trainings are transformative, interactive and provide ample time for hands-on practice and discussion.



To view our training schedule and to register, click below:

Reiki I  

First Degree Reiki introduces you to the origin and evolution of Reiki, the energy centers of the body and hands-on healing techniques. In this training, students will learn how to give Reiki to themselves, others and animals as well.                          

Saturday, October 19, 2024

9AM - 4PM


Reiki II

The Second Degree Reiki training is open to all students who have completed Reiki I and who are interested in actively using it in their personal lives or career paths. In this full-day intensive class, students will explore Reiki in greater depth and further expand their healing potential. Students will also learn techniques which will enhance the healing process and allow Reiki to be sent over long distances.


Reiki I certificate required.              

Saturday, June 15, 2024

9AM - 4PM


Saturday, November 16, 2024

9AM - 4PM

Advanced Reiki

The Advanced Reiki class is open to all students who have completed Reiki I and Reiki II and are looking forward to raising their healing potential to amazing new heights. In this full-day intensive class, students will be provided with a starter set of crystals and a pendulum, will be taught about their benefits, and learn how to create and charge Reiki grids. The hands-on experience in this class is both practical and empowering.


Reiki II certificate required.

Saturday, September 21, 2024


Saturday, January 11, 2025


Master of Reiki

The Master of Reiki training is open to all students who have completed Reiki I, II and Advanced.

This 2-day intensive will increase the strength and vibration of your Reiki energy. It will provide hands-on practice and the opportunity to deepen your healing potential as well as others. This Reiki Master certification will empower you to pass Reiki on to family and friends and grant you the option to teach Reiki up to the Master level.  As you take Reiki Master training and increase your personal vibration, imagine increasing the vibration of the world!

Advanced Reiki certificate required.

September 7, 8

9AM - 4PM.   

Rain dates:  September 14, 15

Location to be announced.

Holy Fire III Upgrade Class

This class will upgrade qualified students to the Usui /Holy Fire III level.

Only those who are already Holy Fire or Holy Fire II Reiki Masters may take this class. The energy of the Holy Fire III ignites and reveals the light of the Authentic Self. This unique experience fosters heightened awareness and enjoyment. Innovation, intuition and creativity become more readily available. As the Holy Fire III heals dormant unhealed parts, more of the Authentic Self emerges creating an increasing level of serenity, vitality and joy.  Master of Holy Fire or Holy Fire II Certificate required.

For more details, please contact us.


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